The thoughts of Gregg Allen Robison, a former Broadcaster, Current Musician, Business Professional. These are my opinions, and not those of the organizations I am employed by.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Sundays, On WRSP Internet Radio
Sundays are Quartet days, on WRSP Internet Radio! At noon it's The Homecoming Radio Show, then at 1:00 it's NQC Alive!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Saturdays On WRSP Internet Radio
Saturdays, on WRSP Internet Radio... Noon it's "Karen and Kids", Then at 12:30 it's "Life at the Pond", next, "20 The Countdown Magazine" at 1:00pm. Saturdays are fun on WRSP Internet Radio!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Tonight on WRSP Internet Radio
Tune in tonight at 6pm, as we recap The Response prayer rally last weekend in Houston.
"Gregg Robison",
"Robisound Productions",
Family Talk,
WRSP Radio
Friday, July 1, 2011
20 The Count Down Magazine!!
Now on WRSP, 20 The Countdown Magazine! Join Jon Rivers every Saturday at 1:00 pm, as he counts down the top 20 songs in contemporary Christian music.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
Tonight @ 6 pm on WRSP
Tonight @ 6 pm… Does fathering sometimes feel like a burden that’s just too heavy for you to bear? It’s an encouraging message for dads, just in time for Father’s Day.
"Gregg Robison",
"Robisound Productions",
Family Talk,
WRSP Radio
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Tonight @ 6 pm on WRSP
Tonight @ 6 pm… Dads, did you know that what you’re learning on the job could help your parenting at home? It’s practical advice for busy dads!
"Gregg Robison",
"Robisound Productions",
Family Talk,
WRSP Radio
Friday, June 10, 2011
Tonight @ 6 PM on WRSP
Tonight @ 6 PM... Like many women, Angela Thomas dreamed of being the ideal wife and mother, not expecting that divorce would shatter her world.
"Gregg Robison",
"Robisound Productions",
Family Talk,
WRSP Radio
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Tonight at 6 pm, on WRSP
Tonight @ 6 pm... God's Tender Heart for Single Moms part I - A seminary graduate who was raised in a Christian home, Angela Thomas was shocked to find herself divorced with four children.
"Gregg Robison",
"Robisound Productions",
Family Talk,
WRSP Radio
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Tonight at 6 pm on WRSP
Tonight @ 6 pm... A Visit to the Shores of Normandy - III, At dawn on June 6, 1944, 225 courageous American Rangers ascended crude rope ladders and scaled the cliffs of Normandy, France, while facing enemy fire.
"Gregg Robison",
"Robisound Productions",
Family Talk,
WRSP Radio
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Tonight at 6 pm on WRSP
Tonight at 6 pm... Eisenhower ... Roosevelt ... World War II paratroopers ... all just characters in history books, right? “Not at all!”
"Gregg Robison",
"Robisound Productions",
WRSP Radio
Monday, June 6, 2011
Tonight at 6 pm on WRSP
Tonight at 6 pm... Do your children know what happened on this day 67 years ago? Join us as we travel with Dr. Dobson to the beaches of Normandy, France.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Tonight @ 6pm on WRSP
“I’m just a mom.” If this represents your sentiment, or if you’re hurling toward burnout, tune into Family Talk with Dr. James Dobson, where our guest discusses her struggle to find her own identity in the midst of being the wife of a high-powered husband and mother of two demanding toddlers. For insight into balancing multiple roles, tune in today @ 6pm
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Harold Camping
Let's be clear now folks, Harold Camping did not speak for Christians. He went against the word of God by predicting the rapture... “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Mark 13:31-33. It is not up to me to condemn another brother, so I will simply say this and the discussion will be over, God is in control, not man, some people just have to learn this the hard way like Harold Camping. He made not 1 but 2 failed predictions, which by Biblical terms, makes him a false prophet. But be encouraged by this, the Bible say's... For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.Matthew 24:23-25. Just keep walking in Him believers, and don't believe everything that you hear, test the spirits (1 John 4:1-3), keep the faith, and...
"Keep Moving Forward"
"Keep Moving Forward"
"Harold Camping",
"The End Of The World"
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tonight @ 6:00pm On WRSP Radio
Tonight @ 6pm: Are you struggling with clinical depression or do you know someone who is? Hear Pastor Tommy Nelson describe his own journey through this valley.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Tonight on WRSP
Tonight @ 6:pm - Have you been working too hard? Are you overwhelmed by the tasks before you? Author and pastor Tommy Nelson describes this scenario and how it led him down the path to depression.
"Gregg Robison",
"Robisound Productions",
WRSP Radio
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
A Change In Direction
I have decided to change direction, this blog is now dedicated to the Robisound Production Organization. Postings will describe what we are doing for the Christian community, and our WRSP Internet Radio Station. Please stay tuned to see how we grow by helping others grow in Christ.
"Robisound Productions",
Beacon Broadcasting,
Monday, April 25, 2011
Are Christians missing it?
I really don’t consider myself to be an exceptionally wise man, but I think that as Christians there is one major thing that we miss the mark on. I’d like to start by telling everyone that this is simply an opinion and is not meant to offend anyone, but if by posting this, if I can help one person, my job will have been done. Let me start off by asking a simple question, why do you think that Christians are loosing so much credibility in the world, no, let’s narrow it down a bit, in the USA today? Think about it before reading on…
In today’s society we deal with a lot of moral issues, which should not be issues at all. We deal with abortion, homosexuality, homicide, suicide, burglaries, robberies, drugs, drinking, I cold go on and on. So, what’s my point? Why, as Christians, are we taking on issues? “What, how can you ask that?” you say. It’s real simple, as Christians we are to do what the bible say’s right? And wasn’t Christ our example? Let’s examine this question more in depth, and see what the Bible says, and what Christ says about this.
First, what is our job as Christians? ”And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 . So our job is clear, we are to preach the gospel, spread the word. Throughout the Bible, I don’t recall any point where Jesus took on a society issue, the only time he may have done this, is when He drove out the merchants from the church. Well, buying and selling in the Church was clearly a violation of everything Holy, and Jesus was certainly justified in taking care of that. But when did he, picket the Roman Empire for over taxing? When did he stand in judgment of prostitution? When did He condemn a thief? In fact, didn’t Christ say, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” John 8:7
Look, I am as frustrated by this world as any Christian would be, but, we are not going to change the world, in fact, the Bible say’s that it is going to get WORSE. So, what do we do then, bury our heads in the sand? Of course not, we live in a land where we are free to express our opinions through the polls, voting is our voice. And, we can certainly voice our opinions through media and blogs, as I am doing right now. But, when we picket, scream out, and other things done by certain church’s down south, that will remain nameless. We make ourselves out to be hypocritical, haters, and everything contrary to what Christ stood for.
Listen, the world is going to “go to Hell in a hand basket”, it’s up to us to pull as many people as we can out of that basket. So to sum up my little rant, let’s stop picketing, and start witnessing. Don’t be friends with the world, be friends with the sinner, hey, you never know, they may accept Christ as Lord, turn their life around, and you know what that will do? Make the world a better place. Huh, looks like Christ’s way, might just work.
Keep Moving Forward…
In today’s society we deal with a lot of moral issues, which should not be issues at all. We deal with abortion, homosexuality, homicide, suicide, burglaries, robberies, drugs, drinking, I cold go on and on. So, what’s my point? Why, as Christians, are we taking on issues? “What, how can you ask that?” you say. It’s real simple, as Christians we are to do what the bible say’s right? And wasn’t Christ our example? Let’s examine this question more in depth, and see what the Bible says, and what Christ says about this.
First, what is our job as Christians? ”And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 . So our job is clear, we are to preach the gospel, spread the word. Throughout the Bible, I don’t recall any point where Jesus took on a society issue, the only time he may have done this, is when He drove out the merchants from the church. Well, buying and selling in the Church was clearly a violation of everything Holy, and Jesus was certainly justified in taking care of that. But when did he, picket the Roman Empire for over taxing? When did he stand in judgment of prostitution? When did He condemn a thief? In fact, didn’t Christ say, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” John 8:7
Look, I am as frustrated by this world as any Christian would be, but, we are not going to change the world, in fact, the Bible say’s that it is going to get WORSE. So, what do we do then, bury our heads in the sand? Of course not, we live in a land where we are free to express our opinions through the polls, voting is our voice. And, we can certainly voice our opinions through media and blogs, as I am doing right now. But, when we picket, scream out, and other things done by certain church’s down south, that will remain nameless. We make ourselves out to be hypocritical, haters, and everything contrary to what Christ stood for.
Listen, the world is going to “go to Hell in a hand basket”, it’s up to us to pull as many people as we can out of that basket. So to sum up my little rant, let’s stop picketing, and start witnessing. Don’t be friends with the world, be friends with the sinner, hey, you never know, they may accept Christ as Lord, turn their life around, and you know what that will do? Make the world a better place. Huh, looks like Christ’s way, might just work.
Keep Moving Forward…
"Gregg Robison",
"Robisound Productions",
Friday, April 22, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Pull Em Up!
The pants half way down fad, in my opinion, is pretty much over. This is mostly a fad embraced by young males that listen to Hip Hop, Rap music, the fad has run its course and I believe with continuing education to those who do this, the fad will go away within the next year. So, those of you who still do this, let me educate you on where it came from.
Lee D. Baker, Dean of Academic Affairs at Duke University, states that it is widely believed that sagging was adopted from the United States prison system where belts are prohibited. Belts are sometimes prohibited to avoid suicide by hanging oneself, or to avoid being used as a weapon in fights. The style was later popularized by hip-hop artists in the 1990s.
One Wiki Answers reader say’s…
I was just told by an officer last night that it came from inmates a long time ago. if you wore your pants right, it was you were not available, if you wore it down below their butt it was they are available. I guess people wanted to pretend they were in prison or when they got out of prison they kept doing it and others copied.
So to all of you men who wear your pants around your butt/below your butt, are you saying your available to other guys?
Read more:
It would seem as if this fad is practiced by folks who just want to be protesters of our legal system, or just want to be on the other side of the law. Just a word to the wise of the latter, you don’t want to be in jail or prison, not a pleasant place, and if you do wind up there, pull them up, maybe you’ll be left alone. As far as the fad is concerned, it seems like most of the people polled, from my research, think the fad is stupid, uncultured, and people practicing it look ridiculous, especially when you run. So, pull em up guy’s, you look goofy, and the world is laughing at you, not with you!
"Keep Moving Forward"
Friday, March 25, 2011
Attention, freewaystate1 BLOCKED!
Attention please: the following user, freewaystate1 ,has been blocked from my youtube page greggallen2007 for inappropriate comments, and being a basic knucklehead. I think He (or she) is a frustrated kid who attempts to play the guitar but can't get anywhere, therefore has to insult others to make himself (herself) feel better. Also, it confuses me why someone would have a youtube page, and not post any video's, huh, so strange. That's kind of like owning a car and not knowing how to drive, or, owning a guitar and not knowing how to play. Oh well, life goes on.
Keep Moving Forward
Gregg Robison
Keep Moving Forward
Gregg Robison
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Gregg Robison - The Les Paul Recordings
Here is one of my videos from Youtube, I am covering one of the great Les Paul's tunes. Enjoy...
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Beacon Broadcasting Sold!

Well, what I thought to be my worst fear came true, Beacon Broadcasting was split up and sold, and not even to the highest bidder. It’s a funny thing, you think that a company owner would try to sell and make some sort of a profit, but, I guess that’s what happens when you are operating in panic mode. I ended up walking away from the organization with my dignity in tact, and stayed unemployed for about 5 months. I took a 911 Officer class and got a job dispatching for the Warren City P.D, a lot different from the radio thing but it is a great gig.
In the mean time, several things have happened with the radio stations that were sold, 1570am and 1540am were sold to Whiplash Radio out of Dayton, who has been successful in operating a LPFM in that city, formats have changed a couple times since the take over on 1570 from Fox Sports, to Classic Hits, and will be playing Adult Standards soon to fill a big gap left by AM600 who is now all talk. 1540am will continue to do their great sounding Classic Country format, "The Farm". WEXC 107.1fm, 940am and 1470am were sold to K-Love, a completely Christian radio station that obviously has No Love for the former staff as they ousted everyone by saying, “I’ll see you in Heaven”, nice, can you say "what would Jesus do?"

Anyway, life goes on and we survive, I have been doing some voice over and guitar work for various people, including the new owner of 1540 and 1570. As I always say… Keep Moving Forward
Beacon Broadcasting,
Gregg Robison,
Whiplash Radio
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