Monday, April 25, 2011

Are Christians missing it?

I really don’t consider myself to be an exceptionally wise man, but I think that as Christians there is one major thing that we miss the mark on. I’d like to start by telling everyone that this is simply an opinion and is not meant to offend anyone, but if by posting this, if I can help one person, my job will have been done. Let me start off by asking a simple question, why do you think that Christians are loosing so much credibility in the world, no, let’s narrow it down a bit, in the USA today? Think about it before reading on…

In today’s society we deal with a lot of moral issues, which should not be issues at all. We deal with abortion, homosexuality, homicide, suicide, burglaries, robberies, drugs, drinking, I cold go on and on. So, what’s my point? Why, as Christians, are we taking on issues? “What, how can you ask that?” you say. It’s real simple, as Christians we are to do what the bible say’s right? And wasn’t Christ our example? Let’s examine this question more in depth, and see what the Bible says, and what Christ says about this.

First, what is our job as Christians? ”And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 . So our job is clear, we are to preach the gospel, spread the word. Throughout the Bible, I don’t recall any point where Jesus took on a society issue, the only time he may have done this, is when He drove out the merchants from the church. Well, buying and selling in the Church was clearly a violation of everything Holy, and Jesus was certainly justified in taking care of that. But when did he, picket the Roman Empire for over taxing? When did he stand in judgment of prostitution? When did He condemn a thief? In fact, didn’t Christ say, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” John 8:7

Look, I am as frustrated by this world as any Christian would be, but, we are not going to change the world, in fact, the Bible say’s that it is going to get WORSE. So, what do we do then, bury our heads in the sand? Of course not, we live in a land where we are free to express our opinions through the polls, voting is our voice. And, we can certainly voice our opinions through media and blogs, as I am doing right now. But, when we picket, scream out, and other things done by certain church’s down south, that will remain nameless. We make ourselves out to be hypocritical, haters, and everything contrary to what Christ stood for.

Listen, the world is going to “go to Hell in a hand basket”, it’s up to us to pull as many people as we can out of that basket. So to sum up my little rant, let’s stop picketing, and start witnessing. Don’t be friends with the world, be friends with the sinner, hey, you never know, they may accept Christ as Lord, turn their life around, and you know what that will do? Make the world a better place. Huh, looks like Christ’s way, might just work.

Keep Moving Forward…

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